Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Post 2: Web 2.0 Video

In this video, I feel that they were trying to send a message to a large audience. And it helped with the way the material was used, and also the music helped as well, to stay focused on the video. Audience would be the biggest thing I would say this video improvised. Like I said, with the constantly changing words, and screens, it kept the audience on their toes while they watched. Wondering what was going to appear next. This video, I felt was very exciting. Also, it kept me intrigued. I even showed my roommate and friends! As far as the arrangement of the video. I felt for as fast pace as it was, it was very well put together. As it went back and corrected things, here and there. I know I repeat myself a lot, but it was just so fascinating to watch. Basically, thats all I can really think about. It just had a great context, that kept you interested the whole time. Unlike the first video we saw, with the old English teacher, lecturing to us. I would have fallen asleep, if we had to watch all of that film. Luckily, we moved right along to this one. Where you never really think to yourself "Man, when is this torture going to be over?" At least I know I didn't. LIke I said, I made my roommate and our friends watch it.

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